As we breach the end of summer, we enter into exciting times for Cegin Hedyn, after our very first and successful fundraising event we are pleased to announce that we collectively raised over £3000, which has been a significant starting point in our journey to finally being able to open the “Pay What You Can” café. Which we should be due to open in October!
This past month, not only have we seen donations in the form of money & sponsorship but also in local and seasonal produce. We were lucky enough to be invited to pick at a farm not far from Carmarthen in Trawsmawr called Plas Y Maes, run by Stuart & family. Where we were kindly given the chance to harvest and take 8kg of Blueberries and a plethora of other berries which we have frozen down ready to turn into cordial’s and cakes in the near future.
Shortly after we were lucky enough have one of our neighbours Sue from Waverely Stores on Lammas Street, kindly donate to us Cucumbers, Courgettes and Parsley which we have now pickled, fermented and frozen ready to create dishes on our first menu.
This is only the start of a long list of donated fruits and vegetables that we have received from local growers which in turn has helped us start stocking our Community Pantry. This will be the backbone of our kitchen when it comes to making meals for the community. Our plan and hope is that in time, as our team grows, we will be able to start sharing these methods of preserving, not only in documenting recipes and sharing videos but in skill-sharing sessions.
What this past month and beginning of our endeavour has shown us is that there is strength in small numbers and that we have a collective of people who are willing and kind enough to support us in our journey. For that we are incredibly grateful and excited to share with you all.
Jam Morgan (Director of Food)
If you are interested in volunteering we’d love to hear from you! Just fill out the short form and we’ll be in touch.
Every penny that you put in our cooking pot, is one that helps us continue our projects.
‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ Margaret Mead – American Cultural Anthropologist |